This is a popular topic in my daily life, personal and professional. We get a lot of people in our sober living home who come from out of state and we are always talking about meetings and where to go. The first thing I want to say about meetings is, they are all different. If you go to one meeting … Read More
Talking To Addicts
It’s no secret communication is tricky under the best of circumstances. Add an addiction to the equation and it can begin to feel impossible. One of the most important ingredients in good communication is to know your audience. Understand who you are talking to and what the limitations are, then tailor your conversation to accommodate that person. Otherwise, your message … Read More
90 Meetings in 90 Days
Many people feel overwhelmed when they show up at a 12 step meeting and hear the first recommendation is to attend 90 meetings in 90 days. A meeting every day, for 90 days. For many, the first thought that crosses their mind is how busy they are and how there is no way they can go to a meeting everyday. … Read More
6 Promising Tips To Staying Sober
I always say getting sober isn’t necessarily the hard part. The hard part, is staying sober. When I put down my drink or drug I am dealing immediately with the physical addiction. Withdrawal, detox, being sick, and feeling crappy. After that though, is when the really hard work begins. I wanted to talk about some of the key pieces to … Read More
Am I An Alcoholic?
There is a lot of information out there to help someone identify if they are an alcoholic or addict. And many of the criteria fit me perfectly, but some do not. I wanted to take a minute to go through some of the things I thought about in my own journey that brought me to understand that my drinking was … Read More
The Opioid Epidemic Continues in Kansas and Missouri
Today, the Kansas City Star released an article outlining the counties who are hardest hit by the opioid crisis. Many of the rural counties are suffering because of limited access to addiction resources, more physical jobs that are more apt to have injuries, and lack of access to alternative methods of pain relief like physical therapy and acupuncture. The CDC … Read More
Don’t Take The Treatment Bait
You are battered and broken, exhausted by addiction, can’t take anymore, and you sit down with Google to find some answers. You type in some keywords attached to your city, and voila! A custom-made list of addiction treatment centers appears at your fingertips! But buyer beware! Those top-listed names may not be in the area you were searching at all. … Read More